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Beer in glass 4

Missouri Lean

A tremendously unbalanced example of the Imperial IPA, released once yearly for SF Beer Week. Massive light malt bill produces a shockingly light bodied and crisp base upon which we unapologetically dumped an ungodly amount of unsuspecting Mosaic, Simcoe, Cascade and Amarillo hops. Poor hops. At least they were drunk by the time they hit the bottom of the tank… Sit back and savor the massive tropical hop aroma. Enjoy the crisp, light malt backbone that can’t possibly balance out the assertive, clean bitterness and the hop flavor explosion of sharp tropical fruit, juicy citrus, and some dank, dank, dank. Just remember to pace yourself or you might end up at the Missouri Lounge with John, Sean and Tim watching a guy perform card tricks at 2AM…
****This beer will be an 8 oz pour****
